Sunday, October 18, 2009

Easel Card

Okay, as heart wrenching as it is for those of us that find great joy in creating darling cards to think about, we know that the ultimate destination for our cards is a dark, sad place called a trash can. Though we try to stay blissfully unaware of that fate, we know that really, how many cards can you save? To be sure that your hand crafted sentiment is appriciated longer than most, why not make an easel card? This card has a built in stand (easel) for immediate display. How much easier does it get to show off a lovely card you've received? I stumbled across this technique this morning and had to try it right way. It was super easy to make, and, I must's really cute! What do you think?

Oh, and by the way, check back later in the week to see an adorable gable box that we will be creating in the upcoming Party Favors class (Thursday, October 29th). For more information on that, as well as other classes, please visit my web page (

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